"See" TI @ The Diana Initiative

Contributing to the cybersecurity community takes many forms. Beyond the obvious - building products that help solve security needs - our responsibility as active members of the cyber threat intelligence community also includes informing, nurturing, and attracting new talent towards potential CTI careers. It's to share the unique observations we get while working with practitioners and leaders of all stripes, to help others find success.

That's why Pulsedive Cofounder Grace presented on cyber threat intelligence careers at The Diana Initiative's 2021 Virtual Conference.


Cyber threat intelligence professionals have been growing in demand and significance to help organizations understand what threats matter most, when, to whom, and recommended actions to mitigate them. With diverse skill sets and responsibilities, from technical research to data analysis to effective writing and dissemination, CTI careers are critically important - and can leverage myriad strengths for success.

This session introduces the basics of threat intelligence, how to get into your first role and advance a CTI career, debunks a few myths about the job, and provides additional avenues for further inspiration and research.


  • Definitions (and debunking myths)
  • The current state of CTI
  • Where to find careers in CTI
  • Core concepts and responsibilities
  • CTI in action
  • Success stories & advice getting started
  • Links & resources to learning more

Watch the recorded session, "See" TI - Behind the Curtains for Cyber Threat Intelligence Career, here:


About The Diana Initiative

A diversity-driven conference committed to helping all underrepresented genders, sexualities, races and cultures in Information Security. The Diana Initiative features multiple speaker tracks, fully expanded villages with hands-on workshops, and a women-led Capture the Flag event.

See all of 2021's recorded sessions here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLegn9T1wU4sU-3B6x1n2iRijVdBaoGXk7